Once again it’s time for the annual Creative Expression Competition — get ready to get those creative ideas flowing! Students living in or attending a school in Chandler may vie for awards in two categories: Writing and Visual Arts. Entries can be submitted starting Oct. 1, and no later than 5 p.m. Fri., Oct. 30.

Now in its 26th year, the contest has had thousands of local students participate. This year’s theme is “Connected Through Diversity” — finding commonalities and connections in our diverse community. Submission guidelines and judging criteria are available online at chandleraz.gov/CreativeExpression.

Students may submit their writing, or visual entry online or have the option to mail or drop off entries to the City of Chandler, Attn: Rori Minor, 175 S. Arizona Ave., Chandler, AZ 85225.

Winners will be notified in late November. All winning entries also will receive a certificate and be featured on the City’s website atchandleraz.gov/CreativeExpression. The first place winners and their schools will be recognized during a City Council meeting in February 2021.

For additional questions on the 2022 Creative Expression Competition, call 480-782-4329 or email chandler.diversity@chandleraz.gov.