Rising Star

Athlete, musician, artist – 13-year-old Malakai Nicholas is a champion in the making.

By Marisol Acosta

Photos courtesy of the Nicholas family

At 13 years old, Malakai Nicholas has his sights set on greatness. With a passion for learning new things and embracing athleticism, it’s clear Malakai is on the fast track to becoming a champion.

As a middle schooler in Buckeye, the first steps on his journey to greatness began when he was 5 years old. His parents took him to try out the famous Brazilian martial art of Capoeira, and he began to really enjoy it. Being involved in a fighting style that was so interesting made Malakai aspire to improve.

Throughout the years, he leveled up and grew in the discipline. But his penchant for learning something new didn’t stop there. Music called to him, and he soon began a class in percussion. While most think of drums when they hear the word percussion, it also includes the xylophone, an instrument he has become quite skilled at!

Through his school, he learned there was a fencing club. Not being one to shy away from a new experience, he decided to give it a try. Within two short years, Malakai was competing in the sport and recently had a strong showing at the 2024 Fourth Annual Las Vegas Epee Only RYC/RJC in the Youth 14 Men’s Epee division, demonstrating his dedication and high level of skill in the sport. He hopes to go to the Olympics one day!

At 11 years old, club basketball came into his life. A few of his friends played, so it was really fun being able to spend time with them having this in common. Coach Everett Williams, owner of The Realest Academy Inc., was happy to share how driven, eager to learn, and focused Malakai is. “He’s very meticulous,” he says. “We had two or three months off, and he came back with new moves and footwork!” Being quite tall for his age also comes with an advantage. Playing the position of center and power forward has him blocking shots and making baskets, making him a key player on the team.

When Malakai isn’t shooting hoops, playing music, or playing sports, you can find him volunteering. After hearing of Camp Invention from his second-grade teacher, he was happy to spend his summers volunteering at the STEM camp.

Throughout all of his incredible endeavors, Malakai is still able to carve out some time for himself. In his free time, he loves to draw and paint, a skill that runs in the family and one he says he learned from his grandmother, an artist.

Malakai hopes one day to get scholarships and go to college.