The Power of our Mission:
We unite children and teens with caring positive adult role models through professionally supported one-to-one mentoring friendships.
Together they clear a path to success by breaking societal barriers, closing opportunity gaps, and overcoming adversities like poverty and identity-based discrimination.
Parents want the best for their child, which is probably why they’re interested in learning more about Big Brothers Big Sisters! We’ve prepared answers to some of the most common questions we receive from parents and guardians about enrolling their child as a Little.
Q: What is a Little Brother or Little Sister
A: A Little Brother or Little sister is a child or youth who wants to be mentored by an older volunteer in one of our programs.
Q: What is the age requirement for my child to be a Little?
A: Littles must be at least 6 years old and no more than 15 years old at the time they enroll in our program. Once matched, your child can remain matched with their Big Brother/Sister until your child turns 18 or graduates from high school.
Q: How is it decided which volunteer mentor a child will be matched with?
A: Our staff carefully matches Bigs and Littles based on many factors, including location, personalities, interests, and preferences. We want our Bigs and Littles to be compatible and for the relationship to have the best chance of blossoming.
Q: What will a Big Brother or Sister actually do with my child?
A: A Big Brother or Big Sister spends time with the Little Brother or Little Sister with whom they’ve been matched. In our Community-Based Program, this means that the Big Brother/Sister will pick up your child from your home 2 to 4 times a month for a couple of hours or more at a time. In our Site-Based Program, it means that they will spend 60 minutes together once every other week after school during the school year, in a group setting. In both types of programs, time spent between your child and their Big means that they will engage in meaningful conversations in which the Big is encouraging your child in pursuit of his/her goals, and sharing helpful life perspective. Your child and their Big will also engage in activities that are fun and enjoyable for both of them.
Q: What is the time commitment?
A: When we make a match between a Big and a Little, we want it to last for as long as the relationship is beneficial for your child. We ask everyone involved to commit to at least one year, because when a mentoring relationship lasts for at least one year, it has the most positive impact on the child. On the other hand, when a mentoring relationship lasts for only a few months, it can negatively affect the child.
Q: How will I know if the relationship between my child and their Big is going well?
A: Any type of relationship requires dedication, consistency, and clear communication. It’s no different between Bigs and Littles. It can take a little bit of time for your child and their Big to get acquainted with each other and for the relationship to feel like it’s going well. Our staff will check in with you, your child, and your child’s Big on a regular basis and provide any needed support. It’s very important that you ask your child questions about the time they spend with their Big – what they did, how it went, what your child liked or didn’t like, how they felt about it, etc. If your child indicates anything about the relationship that raises a concern, please share that with your Program Specialist (the BBBS staff member who will be assigned to support your child’s match with their Big).
Q: Does it cost me anything for my child to be a part of the program?
A: There is no cost to you to enroll your child or for your child to participate in our programs. If your child participates in our Community-Based Program, we expect for your child and their Big Brother/Sister to participate in free or low-cost activities. If possible, you are encouraged to contribute to the cost of any activities or outings in which your child participates with their “Big.” If your child participates in our Site-Based Program, there are no fees for this program.
Q: Does you program have a specific need for Littles in a particular area of the Valley?
A: There are several pockets of the north and east valley in which we have more Big Sisters ready to volunteer than Little Sisters available to match with them. We have a high need for Little Sisters in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Fountain Hills, Anthem, Carefree, Cave Creek and the Norterra area of North Phoenix.
Q: How do I enroll my child?
A: All you need to do is get in touch with our office, which you can do in a number of ways:
- Click here to enroll your child online
- Call us at 602-264-9254
- Email Martha Guzman, Parent Engagement Manager, at mguzman@bbbsaz.org
Once you submit an application, you will be contacted by our Enrollment Specialist, who will discuss the types of programs we offer, how our programs work, and any questions you may have about getting started.
If you don’t find an answer to a question you have, please contact us at 602-264-9254 and we’ll be happy to speak with you.
Your child’s future is bright! We’re here to help ignite it.