Science Lab

Science Lab2022-04-12T13:30:11-07:00

Sari on Science: Tinted Tops

September 12, 2023|Science Lab|

This is a project that will get your (color) wheels spinning! There are seven colors in the visible light spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (ROY G BIV). When all seven colors of light combine they produce ...

Sari on Science: Bath Bombs

December 15, 2022|Science Lab|

Bath Bombs Make a unique present for friends and family this holiday season. What’s more fun than bathtub bubbles? Bath bombs have been around since 1989 and have recently found a resurgence in popularity. With this activity, you can customize ...

Sari on Science: Backyard Bugs!

November 15, 2022|Science Lab|

Backyard Bugs! As the sun starts to set earlier this fall, here’s an activity to do on a cool evening with the whole family. Have you ever wondered why bugs follow the light? Or are you curious about just how ...