Transform your home into a mini science lab with this captivating lava lamp experiment! Perfect for kids ages 4 to 12 (and beyond), this activity uses common household items to demonstrate fascinating concepts in density and chemistry. Get ready to dive into a magical world of swirling colors and bubbles!

• A clean plastic bottle or glass jar
• Vegetable oil
• Baking soda
• Food coloring
• Vinegar
• A flashlight

1. Prepare Your Bottle: Start by adding a couple of inches of baking soda to the bottom of your bottle or jar. This is a fantastic moment to let kids get hands-on, scooping and pouring the baking soda.
2. Add the Oil: Fill the rest of the bottle or jar with vegetable oil, leaving a little space at the top. A funnel can help with this step. Watch as the oil and baking soda remain separate – a perfect visual for discussing density.
3. Mix the Colors: In a separate cup, combine about a fourth of a cup of vinegar with a few drops of food coloring. Stir well to blend.
4. Combine the Ingredients: Slowly pour your colored vinegar solution into the bottle with oil. This is where the magic happens! Observe as colorful blobs begin to rise and fall.
5. Illuminate the Fun: If you have a flashlight, dim the lights and shine it through your lava lamp. The glowing effect adds an extra layer of enchantment to the experiment.

As the oil floats on top of the vinegar (due to being less dense), the food coloring sinks through the oil because it shares the same density as vinegar.
When the vinegar and baking soda mix, they react to form carbon dioxide gas. This gas rises, carrying some of the colored liquid with it. When the gas escapes, the liquid, now heavier, sinks back down. This creates the mesmerizing lava lamp effect.