Have you ever seen sound? This fun experiment lets you watch sound waves in action using a speaker and some candy sprinkles. Get ready to turn up the volume and watch as the vibrations make the sprinkles dance before your eyes!


  • A large glass bowl
  • A piece of clear plastic wrap
  • A large rubber band
  • A handful of candy sprinkles (you can also try salt or rice)
  • A speaker


  1. Cover the Bowl
    Stretch the plastic wrap tightly over the top of the bowl. Make sure it’s as smooth and firm as possible.
  2. Secure It
    Use a rubber band to hold the plastic wrap in place.
  3. Set Up the Experiment
    Place the bowl very close to a speaker. The closer it is, the better the effect!
  4. Add the Sprinkles
    Gently sprinkle a handful of candy sprinkles on top of the plastic wrap.
  5. Play Some Music
    Turn up the volume and watch the sprinkles jump and bounce to the beat!


Try using different types of music—does classical music make the sprinkles move differently than a bass-heavy song? What happens if you use different materials like salt or rice? Take notes and compare your results!


Sound is made of vibrations, and those vibrations travel through the air. When the speaker plays music, it sends out sound waves that make the plastic wrap vibrate. Those vibrations then transfer to the sprinkles, making them bounce and dance!

This is the same principle that lets you feel the bass at a concert or see water ripple when music plays nearby. Sound is all around us—now you can see it, too!