Chris Gronkowski

Talking Shop: Third-Grader Nicholas Bubeck Interviews Chris Gronkowski, NFL Player Turned CEO of Ice Shaker

Hi, I’m Nicholas, your monthly Epic Kids columnist. I’m a third-grade CEO and I had the cool opportunity to interview Chris Gronkowski.   Chris is one of five Gronkowski brothers: Rob, Gordie Jr., Dan, and Glenn. The only one who ...

By |2022-09-22T13:30:55-07:00September 22, 2022|Categories: Epic Kids|Tags: , , , |

Third-grade CEO and Epic Kids columnist Nicholas Bubeck Interviews Chris Gronkowski, NFL Player turned CEO of Ice Shaker

Hi, I’m Nicholas, your monthly Epic Kids columnist. I’m a third-grade CEO and I had the cool opportunity to interview Chris Gronkowski. Chris is one of five Gronkowski brothers: Rob, Gordie Jr., Dan, and Glenn. The only one who didn’t ...

By |2022-09-06T13:34:01-07:00September 6, 2022|Categories: Epic Kids, Parents' Corner|Tags: , , |